The American Community Survey (ACS) releases new data every year through a variety of data tables that you can access with different data tools.  Learn more about the different types of tables and profiles powered by ACS data.  We also have information about other special datasets, such as the ACS Experimental Data, ACS Summary File, and ACS Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) files. 

Get Started Accessing ACS Data

Check out, the Census Bureau’s main data dissemination tool. Here, you can access tables and maps with ACS data. You can also view Resources for step-by-step guidance, video tutorials, FAQs, and more.

Go to Resources

View Popular ACS Tables

Data Profiles contain the most popular social, economic, housing, and demographic data for a single geographic area. The Data Profiles summarize the data, providing both estimates and percentages, to cover the most basic data on all ACS topics. Click on a link below to view these profiles on From there, you can select Customize Table to select your geography and product (or data set) of interest.

Discover Popular ACS Data Resources

Access some of the most commonly used resources to view and understand ACS data. You can also view the full list from the left navigation.

American Community Survey Data